Tana Ciné is a boutique cinema with one screen, a Gold Class area with bar and food and an arcade games area.
Arcade Games Area
- Refill the game machines with prizes and redeem tickets on a daily basis
- Maintenance, service and small repairs of the game machines park
- Stock management of prizes and redeem tickets
- Daily management of the 2 token dispensers (counting & recording of sales) and also for a few game machines (twice a month)
Movie Area
- Open the cinema every morning and close every evening with one rest day in the week where you don’t have to stay on site after opening (work through week- ends).
- Ensure each movie entry tickets are checked and collected at the entrance of the theater for each screening
- Keeping up the high level standard services and hospitality in Gold Class
- Receive and manage bookings from customers for Gold Class movies via Messenger
- Replacement of movie posters in ad spots on upper and lower levels of the mall
- Basic projector room skills (receive training)
General Management
- Staff management and weekly shifts schedule based on weekly movie program
- Back-up when required
- Supervising the cleaning of the movie theatre
- Follow up on maintenance and repairs of theater seats and chairs
- Daily servicing, cleaning and maintenance of the popcorn machine, slushy machine, Gold Class kitchen equipment
- Follow up on maintenance and servicing of the air conditioning units
- Banking of sales 2 or 3 times per week
- Stock management of goods (food, beverage at the snacks counter and in the bar Gold Class)
- Shopping in town for food refill in the Gold Class and snacks counter (Bon Marché, market,…) and prizes refill in arcade games (Computer World, Vodafone, Sound Center,…)
- Manage ordering from local suppliers (VBL, Libation, Dynamics, Cellovila cleaning products) and from overseas (popcorn, snacks, prizes)
Package comes with accommodation in Tana Russet Plaza.
Selection Criteria
- reliable
- attention to detail
- mathematical/accounting skills
- computer skills (Excel…)
- communication and hospitality skills
- manual repair skills
- bank teller or other experience can be an advantage
How to Apply
All applications must be submitted before January 30th, 2025 to [email protected]
Job Category: Other. Job Type: Full-Time. Job Salary: Not stated.
Closes 31/01/2025