Organization Description:
GNYF oversees gospel-hearted, Bible-based, and student-led ministries in tertiary institutions throughout Vanuatu.
Job Description:
The ND oversees the operations of GNYF under the direction and supervision of the national board. As well as close, regular involvement with student groups on campuses, the ND is responsible for modelling faithful Bible teaching, training student leaders, developing future staff, planting new ministries, and managing relationships with local churches, parachurch ministries, and our regional partners.
Selection Criteria:
Demonstrable godly character
Experience in Christian ministry to tertiary students
Fluency in Bislama and English
Evidence of formal training in theology or Bible
Experience in overseeing finance and managing teams of volunteers
French competency
Degree-level theological training
Experience with board governance, especially with NGOs
This role is voluntary / requires financial support to be raised by the successful applicant.
How to Apply
Apply by: Email
Contact Person: John Maite (GNYF Board Chair)
Email to send applications to: [email protected]
How to apply - more information:
References from a church leader and prior employer are required.