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5 tips to write a proper cover letter or a job application letter

A job cover letter is a document that accompanies a resume when applying for a job. It is typically one page long and provides additional information about the applicant that is not included in the resume. The purpose of a cover letter is to introduce yourself to the employer, express your interest in the position, and highlight your skills and experience that make you a good fit for the role.

A well-written cover letter can make a significant difference in your job search. It can help you stand out from other applicants and get your foot in the door for an interview. When writing a cover letter, it is important to keep it concise, relevant, and tailored to the specific job you are applying for.

Here are some tips for writing an effective job cover letter:



Tip 1: Personalize the Experience

In a sea of templated responses, yours should feel like fresh air. Start by delving into the company's specifics—its values, culture, and recent achievements. Show that you've done your homework, and prove that you're not just applying for a job but the specific position at this particular company.

Personalization Tips:

  • If possible, address the letter to the hiring manager; "To whom it may concern" doesn't cut it anymore.
  • Mention recent company news that particularly caught your eye and explains why.


Tip 2: Perfect Your Format and Structure

Structure is the backbone of any good cover letter—it guides your reader. It presents your story in a logical progression. A well-structured cover letter conveys professionalism and respect for the recruiter's time. Start with a clear introduction that includes your purpose, then move into the body where you sell your skills and experiences, and conclude with a powerful closing that invites further discussion.

Formatting Fundamentals:

  • Use a professional font and keep the design simple.
  • Follow the standard business letter format, including your details, the date, the recipient's address, the greeting, body, and closing.


Tip 3: Echo the Job Description with Eloquent Detail

Your cover letter is not the time for modesty or vague generalities. It's your chance to align your experiences and skills with the job demands. Be specific, and include tangible results and achievements to substantiate your claims.

Skill Spotlights:

  • Use the same language in the job posting to show a direct match.
  • Explain how your skills have contributed to successful projects in the past with quantifiable results.


Tip 4: Keep It Lean and Mean

Recruiters often sift through hundreds of applications, so lengthy cover letters are a sure way to lose their interest. Be concise while covering all the necessary points; remember, a cover letter should not regurgitate your resume. Instead, it should elaborate on key points to show depth and context.

Concision Cues:

  • Aim for a cover letter that is about four paragraphs long: an introduction, two main body paragraphs, and a closing.
  • Reread and ask yourself if each sentence is critical to your application. If not, it might be a candidate for the delete key.


Tip 5: The Devil Is In the Details

One minor typo in your cover letter can undermine all the hard work you've put into it. Refrain from letting something as trivial as a grammatical error be the reason your application is cast aside. Before sending your cover letter, double-check for proper grammar, spelling, and coherence.

Detail-Checking Drills:

  • Use grammar checkers and enlist trusted friends or family to give it a once-over.
  • Read your cover letter out loud. You'll catch odd phrasings and errors more quickly this way.


Additional Resources

Online resources abound for those who crave more in-depth assistance with their cover letters. Here are a few to get you started:

  • Cover Letter Builder – An online tool to help you craft the perfect cover letter tailored to a specific job.
  • The Balance Careers – A treasure trove of cover letter examples and advice.
  • Vanuatu Jobs Network – A local job network with targeted job listings and individual assistance for job seekers.
  • Contact Your Local Career Center – Sometimes, the best resources are right in your community. Visit or contact the career center in Vanuatu for personalized assistance.



Your cover letter is your compass in the vast sea of job applications. It guides the reader to your resume and creates a map of who you are and why you're the best fit for the job. Following these detailed tips elevates your application from mundane to memorable. Remember, the cover letter is your chance to make a personal connection, tell your professional story, and express your enthusiasm for a role and a company. Each word you choose is an opportunity to stand out, so craft your letter thoughtfully.



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