Walaha Airport is a small airport in Penama, Vanuatu. The airport is located at latitude -15.41200 and longitude 167.69099. The airport has one runway: 16/34. The ICAO airport code of this field is NVSW. The airport's IATA code is WLH. Nearby other airfields are Redcliffe Airport, Longana Airport, Sara Airport, Santo Pekoa International Airport and Maewo-Naone Airport. Walaha Airport does not publish a METAR, the nearest weather station is Santo Pekoa International Airport, which is 52 km away. The flight information region (FIR) is Nadi East. Walaha Airport is in the timezone of Pacific/Efate. Difference with UTC is +11 h. Today the sun rises at 06:03 and sets at 17:28. This applies to Walaha Airport, the universal daylight period may be different. The difference between the local time and UTC is +11 hour. Daylight saving time is currently in progress.
Address | HMPR+7GC, Walaha, Ambae, Vanuatu |
Head Ofice | +678 1111 |