Weather Data Source: Wettervorhersage fur 14 tage
Waves on Bukura

Waves on Bukura is a small retreat of only 3 villas on Bukura Beach.We have our own whitesand beach with an inter-tidal reef with a blue hole as well as a BBQ beachhut and inground saltwater pool.We are a bed and breakfast / maison d'hotes where we try to offer our guests a more relaxed and peronalised view of Port Vila and surrounds.We offer comfortable spacious 1 bedroom villas with a range of dining options, cook for yourselves in your villa kitchen or in our BBQ beachhut, or let us pamper you with a lovely "french cuisine" home-stay dinner.

  • Lodge, Indoor lodging, Bed & breakfast, Inn, Holiday home.
  • 01 Apr 2023
  • 409

Waves on Bukura

Additional Info

Address 76Q9+G6G, Devil's Point Road Vila, Matao Tiupeniu, Vanuatu
Head Ofice +678 774 3733
Email [email protected]
Business Profile Visit My Business
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